Trademark Watch Programs

BLTG offers several trademark watch options to help protect your trademark rights:

  • United States trademark watch
  • Worldwide trademark watch
  • Business news and publications pertaining to competitors
  • Competitor trademark filing notices

In addition to ensuring proper use of your trademark  blog it is important to make sure others do not use your trademark in association with the same or similar services.  An effective way to monitor for potential trademark infringement is a trademark watch.  The scope of the watch will depend on your business strategy, where you currently do business and where you plan to do business.  A good watch program identifies potential issues early.  Addressing potential trademark infringement early can save you money and help avoid a more costly enforcement effort.

Leave it to us to monitor the appropriate trademark registers to provide you with early awareness of newly filed trademark applications and trademark applications that have been published for opposition.  We can help you develop the appropriate trademark watch program to meet  your company’s needs.

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